You Know You Should…BUT The Excuses Are Many

You Know You Should…BUT The Excuses Are Many

The Cost

  • 2 in 3 adults think life insurance is too expensive, but they overestimate its true cost by more than 2x.
  • 80% of Americans overestimate the cost of life insurance.
  • People with no life insurance overestimate the cost by more than 3x and those with coverage by more than 2x.
  • Those with no life insurance think it’s 3x more expensive than it is.
  • Those under 25 think the cost of life insurance is almost 10x its true cost.

Priorities and Procrastination

  • 59% haven’t bought life insurance or more of it because they have “other financial priorities.”
  • 52% put expenses such as cable and cell phone ahead of buying life insurance.
  • 1 in 5 prioritize paying for leisure activities like eating out over buying life insurance.
  • 30% of people aren’t buying life insurance or more of it because they “don’t like thinking about death.”
  • 37% haven’t bought life insurance or more of it because they’re unsure of how much or what type to buy.
  • 30% haven’t bought life insurance or more of it because they “haven’t gotten around to it.”

The Need

  • 31% say they would feel the financial impact from the death of the primary wage earner in 1 month.
  • 65% of adults agree they personally need life insurance, and 27% say they need more than they have.
  • More than a third of adults are concerned with leaving others to pay for their funeral expenses.
  • Almost half of adults age 25-44 are concerned with leaving dependents in a difficult financial situation should they die prematurely.
  • 40% of women wish their spouse or partner had life insurance—or more of it.
  • 1 in 3 women believe they don’t have enough life insurance coverage.
  • People cite “replacing income” as a top reason for owning life insurance.
  • A third of people wish their spouse or partner had life insurance—or more of it.

What are you waiting for?

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