Money Is Time

“The greatest predictive indicator of money is the current use of time.” It was on my morning commute that marketing genius Dan Kennedy dropped this bomb through my car’s speakers. I had been listening to and reading Dan’s work for days, almost non-stop since I had received it. But it wasn’t until that moment that I truly “got” it.

The old “time is money” platitude sounds good but has lost a bit of its punch since you first heard it. But, like it or not, the amount of value you can add is severely limited by the amount of uninterrupted, focused, productive time you are able to invest in your endeavors. Because added value is the only thing than can create financial equity, then it behooves you to get serious about how you invest every minute of your time.

Before I lose you to some sort of resistance thinking (“Who wants to watch every minute that closely?”) consider this: Love takes time, friendship takes time, recovery takes time. Everything is a function of how we spend our time. Money just happens to be easier to quantify.

When we have no detailed plan for our time, stuff will just happen to us rather than the other way around. Apply this to your clients’ financial planning, and you’ve added an entirely new dimension to what’s possible and necessary to derive the most beneficial outcome for them. After all, what does that million dollars mean when no use for the money is attached? If there’s no purpose for the money, does the money still have value?

Give a lottery winner $10 million, and he’ll go bankrupt in a few years. But give the right punk kid with a dream $5,000 and he’ll create magic and change all our lives. All he needs is a little time.

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Adam Cufr is a founding principal of Fourth Dimension Financial Group, LLC. He is the creator of the web-based coaching program The Life Insurance Blueprint, a prolific blogger, and an expert author on Ezine Articles. For more information, go to

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