10 Questions for Your Quarterly Review

  1. What goals did you accomplish in the first quarter of 2012?
  2. Why are these goals significant?
  3. How do they make you feel?
  4. What goals did you not achieve that you had intended to?
  5. What changes do you need to make to achieve them?
  6. In what area(s) do you need coaching or training?
  7. For the next 90 days, what further progress can you make toward your 90-day goals?
  8. What are your new 90-day goals?
  9. What are you resisting doing?
  10. How can you use your personal strengths to accomplish three needed actions each week to achieve your 90-day goals?

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Simon Reilly of Leading Advisor Inc. is a financial advisor coach, speaker and writer. Simon writes a daily blog and can be reached at www.leadingadvisor.com/blog.

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